European Coordination Initiatives
Title | Projecttype | Runtime | Coordination / Participation |
ACT (CCS technologies) | ERA-Net-Cofund | 2016–2022 | participation |
BIOHorizon (food safety, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research and bioeconomy) | CSA | 2014–2018 | participation |
C-Energy 2020 (Network of the National Contact Points Energy) | CSA | 2014–2018 | participation |
CoBioTech (biotechnology) | ERA-Net-Cofund | 2016–2021 | coordination |
Columbus (marine research) | CSA | 2015–2018 | participation |
EIP Water (innovations in the water industry) | EIP | continuous | participation |
EXPAND II (sustainable urban development) | CA (CIP) | 2019-2021 | participation |
GeoThermal (geothermics) | ERA-Net | 2012–2016 | participation |
Geothermica (geothermics) | ERA-Net-Cofund | 2017–2021 | participation |
NCPs CaRE (Network of the National Contact Points Environment) | CSA | 2015–2020 | coordination |
Platform 2 (bioeconomy) | CSA | 2015–2018 | participation |
SmartGridPlus | ERA-Net-Cofund | 2015–2020 | participation |
SOLAR-ERA.NET (solar energy) | ERA-Net | 2012–2023 | participation |
SUGI (sustainable urban development) | ERA-Net-Cofund | 2016–2021 | participation |
Environment, Sustainability & System Earth
Title | Projecttype | Runtime | Coordination / Participation |
BONUS (Baltic Sea research) | § 185- Maßnahme | 2011–2017 | participation |
CICERONE (CIrCular Economy platfoRm for eurOpeaN priorities strategic agenda) | CSA | 2018-2020 | participation |
ERA-MIN 2 (raw materials) | ERA-Net-Cofund | 2016–2021 | participation |
IC4WATER (international cooperation in the area of water) | CSA | 2017–2021 | participation |
JPI-Urban Europe (sustainable urbanization) | JPI | continuous | participation |
JPI Oceans (marine research) | JPI | continuous | participation |
JPI Water (water and hydrological sciences) | JPI | continuous | participation |
OCEANS 2 (maritime and marine research) | CSA | 2016–2019 | participation |
VERAM (raw materials) | CSA | 2015–2018 | participation |
WaterWorks2015 (research cooperation between the Member States in the area of water) | ERA-Net-Cofund | 2016–2020 | participation |
WatEUr (water and hydrological science) | CA (CIP) | 2013–2016 | participation |
Life Sciences
Title | Projecttype | Runtime | Coordination / Participation |
CASyM (systematic medicine) | CSA | 2012–2017 | coordination |
CoBiTe (biotechnology) | ERA-Net-Cofund | 2016–2021 | coordination |
EIP-AGRI (agricultural productivity and sustainability) | EIP | annually extended | participation |
ERA-GAS (greenhouse gases in the agriculture) | ERA-Net-Cofund | 2016–2021 | participation |
ERA-IB 2 (industrial biotechnology) | ERA-Net | 2011–2016 | participation |
ERACoSysMed (systematic medicine) | ERA-Net-Cofund | 2015–2019 | coordination |
FACCE EraNet+ (agriculture, food safety and climate change) | ERA-Net Plus | 2013–2018 | participation |
FACCE Evolve (support of a JPI for agriculture, food safety and climate change) | CSA | 2015–2020 | participation |
FACCE Surplus (sustainable agriculture for foodstuff systems and non-foodstuff systems) | ERA-Net-Cofund | 2015–2021 | coordination |
Fit for Health 2.0 (health research) | CSA | 2013–2017 | participation |
Infect-ERA (infectious deseases) | ERA-Net | 2013–2016 | participation |
JPI-FACCE (agriculture, food safety and climate change) | JPI | continuous | participation |
JPI-HDHL (nutrition and health) | JPI | continuous | participation |
MBT (marine biotechnology) | CSA | 2013–2017 | participation |
SUSAN (animal production) | ERA-Net | start 2016 | participation |
Susfood 2 (nutrition) | ERA-Net-Cofund | 2016–2021 | coordination |
Navigation and Marine Technology
Title | Projecttype | Runtime | Coordination / Participation |
MarTERA (maritime and marine research) | ERA-Net-Cofund | 2016–2021 | coordination |
Materials Technologies
Title | Projecttype | Runtime | Coordination / Participation |
M-ERA.NET 2 (materials science and engeneering) | ERA-Net-Cofund | 2016–2021 | participation |
NMP-TeAm3 (support of the NMP-NCP-Networks) | CSA | 2015–2016 | participation |
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