Funding Programmes:
6th Energy Research Programme of the Federal Government/Applied Energy Research
6th Energy Research Programme of the Federal Government/Basic Energy Research
7th Energy Research Programme of the Federal Government/Applied Energy Research
Bavarian Energy Research Programme
Bioeconomy Research Programme Baden-Württemberg
Coastal, Marine and Polar Research for Sustainability (MARE:N)
Competitions North Rhine-Westphalia
Electric Mobility
Entrepreneurial Regions
EXIST – University-based business start-ups
Funding Programme "From Material to Innovation”
Funding Programme “Ideas Competition – Learning from Nature”
Geosciences for Sustainability (GEO:N)
Health Research Framework Programme
Lead Market Competitions North Rhine-Westphalia
Maritime Research Strategy 2025
Mittelstand.innovativ! Initiative – Innovation Assistant
Model Region Electric Mobility Bavaria
National Bioeconomy Strategy
National Climate Initiative
National Innovation Programme Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology (NIP)
New Materials in Bavaria
Research Campus – Public-Private Partnership for Innovation
Research for Sustainable Development
Scientific and technological cooperation (STC)
State Research Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
Active filter:
Electric MobilityEnvironment, Sustainability & System Earth
Research for Sustainable DevelopmentEnvironment, Sustainability & System Earth
Coastal, Marine and Polar Research for Sustainability (MARE:N)Environment, Sustainability & System Earth
Geosciences for Sustainability (GEO:N)Environment, Sustainability & System Earth
Scientific and technological cooperation (STC)Life Sciences
Health Research Framework ProgrammeLife Sciences
National Bioeconomy StrategyLife Sciences
Bioeconomy Research Programme Baden-WürttembergRegional Technology Platforms
Research Campus – Public-Private Partnership for InnovationFederal State Funding
Competitions North Rhine-WestphaliaFederal State Funding
Mittelstand.innovativ! Initiative – Innovation AssistantFederal State Funding
Lead Market Competitions North Rhine-WestphaliaFederal State Funding
State Research Mecklenburg-Western PomeraniaNavigation and Marine Technology
Maritime Research Strategy 2025Materials Technologies
New Materials in BavariaMaterials Technologies
Funding Programme "From Material to Innovation”Climate Protection
National Climate InitiativeTechnology Transfer and Business Start-Ups
EXIST – University-based business start-upsTechnology Transfer and Business Start-Ups
Entrepreneurial RegionsPhoto credits
all pictures: ixtract GmbH
Areas of project funding
- 6th Energy Research Programme of the Federal Government/Applied Energy Research: Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH/Ralf-Uwe Limbach
- 6th Energy Research Programme of the Federal Government/Basic Energy Research: DLR (CC-BY 3.0)
- 7th Energy Research Programme of the Federal Government/Applied Energy Research: iStock/imaginima
- Bavarian Energy Research Programme: deliormanli/iStock
- Bioeconomy Research Program Baden-Württemberg: Petmal/iStock/thinkstock
- Biomass Energy Use: Minerva Studio/iStock/thinkstock
- Competitions North Rhine-Westphalia: adam_golabek/iStock/thinkstock
- Electric Mobility: kasto80/iStock/thinkstock
- EXIST – University-Based Business Start-Ups: g-stockstudio/iStock/thinkstock
- Funding of measures for adaptation to impacts of climate change: graphicsdunia4you/iStock/thinkstock
- Funding Measure „Innovative Hochschule“: altrendo images/Stockbyte/thinkstock
- Funding Programme “Ideas Competition – Learning from Nature”: Alex011973/iStock/thinkstock
- Funding Programme “From Material to Innovation”: Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH/Ralf-Uwe Limbach
- GEO:N - Geosciences for Sustainability: juancat/iStock/thinkstock
- Health Research Framework Programme: kasto80/iStock/thinkstock
- Lead Market Competitions North Rhine-Westphalia: v. l. n. r.: robertsrob/iStock/Thinkstock | Pipelines: Andrei Merkulov; Flaschen: Ryan McVay; Holz: yellowpaul | thinkstock/iStock/welcomia | thinkstock/iStock/alphaspirit | zhu difeng/ | BONNINSTUDIO/iStock/Thinkstock | simonkr/istock/Thinkstock | WavebreakmediaMicro/
- MARE:N: Coastal, Marine and Polar Research for Sustainability: Prof. Dr. Marc Kochzius
- Maritime Research Strategy 2025: Siem Offshore Contractors GmbH
- Mittelstand.innovativ! Initiative – Innovation Assistant: CasPhotography/iStock/thinkstock
- Model Region Electric Mobility Bavaria: typhoonski/iStock/thinkstock
- National Research Strategy BioEconomy 2030: #169 Alexander Raths/iStock
- Nationale Climate Initiative: 9comeback/iStock/thinkstock
- National Innovation Programme Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology (NIP): 100pk/iStock/thinkstock
- New Materials in Bavaria: agsandrew/iStock
- Research Campus – Public-Private Partnership for Innovation: Getty Images/Hero Images
- Research for Sustainable Development: Prof. Dr. Ulf Riebesell, GEOMAR
- State Research Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: AlexRaths/iStock/thinkstock
- Scientific and Technological Cooperation: Dr. Tim Jennerjahn/ Zentrum für Marine Tropenökologie (ZMT)
- WIPANO - Knowledge and Technology Transfer through Patents and Standards: TimArbaev/iStock/thinkstock
Project Funding
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